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Athletic Hall of Fame

The Fabius-Pompey School District Athletic Hall of Fame
The Fabius-Pompey School District is working toward inducting athletes, coaches, teams, and individuals to the Fabius-Pompey School District Athletic Hall of Fame.  The purpose is to motivate current athletes, connect the past to the present, and develop pride in the rich athletic traditions of Fabius-Pompey Athletics.  In addition, the Hall of Fame will recognize and honor the accomplishments of athletes, teams, coaches, and individuals who continually strived for excellence during their time here at FP.

Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremonies are held annually.  Athletes, coaches, and other individuals will be inducted on even years (2018, 2020, 2022, 2024), and teams will be on odd-numbered years (2019, 2021, 2023, 2025).  An induction ceremony will be held every spring.
2019 inductees

The Hall of Fame committee is seeking nominations for consideration for future inductees.  Nomination forms can be found on the link at the bottom of this page.  Nominations will be due no later than February 1 for current year inductions and should be sent to:
Timothy Wilcox, Physical Education Department
Fabius-Pompey School District
1211 Mill St.
Fabius, NY 13063
Or email form to
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Address: 1211 Mill Street | Fabius, NY 13063
Phone: (315)683-5301