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Finding Nemo Theatrical Awards for Fabius-Pompey

The Fabius-Pompey Theatre Program was honored with five awards from the Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS). TANYS, the primary voice of community and educational theatre in New York, “supports the growth of all aspects of the craft of theatre by providing theatrical resources, networking, recognition, and outreach services to its constituents.”

Students in our middle school musical Finding Nemo Junior participated in a learning adjudication with a trained TANYS professional. This adjudication provided an opportunity for our group to hear constructive, objective feedback about their work.  The adjudicator came to Fabius, watched a rehearsal, and then talked with our students about ways to develop their skills as performers and theatre technicians.

Our cast, crew, and production team learned a great deal from the adjudication process and were granted the following awards in recognition of their outstanding work. 

Felicity Rosa was recognized for her portrayal of Marlin with a Meritorious Achievement Award in Acting.

Natalie LaGrange received Meritorious Achievement Award in Performance for the variety of roles she portrayed throughout the show.

For her portrayal of Dory, Kayla Rossi received an Excellence in Acting Award.

An Outstanding Achievement Award in Costuming was given to Kristin Palazzoli. 

The team of people who worked to direct and produce the show was recognized with Meritorious Achievement Award in Directing and Producing. This team included: Nevaeh Cosilmon, Caira Cramer-Walter, Eve Crouse, Michael Curtis, Andrew Kopp, Christine Lefkus, Jenna Loomis, Gavin Myers, Gina Myers, Sarah Rossi, Susan Schoonmaker, and Nick Swensen.
These awards help us recognize and celebrate the outstanding work that is being done in our Fabius-Pompey Theatre Program.  We appreciate all of the people who worked so hard to make it possible for our students to grow, learn, and have great fun working on this production. We are very happy our district is so supportive of the arts!
Congratulations to everyone for a job well done!
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Address: 1211 Mill Street | Fabius, NY 13063
Phone: (315)683-5301